Charles Thomas

Aspiring Physicist. Studying a Maths and Philosophy degree at Durham and trying to fix payroll at Onfolk. Previously building a better bank at Monzo.

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17 July 2024

Basic Quantum Computing - Shor's Algorithm - Phase Estimation

by Charles Thomas

In this series of posts, we’re exploring a famous algorithm called Shor’s Algorithm. In the last post, we talked about using phase estimation to do order finding. In this post, we’re going to explore how phase estimation works.

What problem does phase estimation solve?

Phase estimation solves the problem of given a unitary operator U and an eigenvector of it:


what is the eigenvalue of the state.

e.g. when we apply U to the eigenvector we get

\[U \ket{u_s} = e^{2\pi i \phi_s}\ket{u_s}\]

and phase estimation allows us to work out \(\phi_s\)

Why can’t we just measure the eigenvalue directly?

It would nice if we could just apply U to the eigenstate and then read off the eigenvalue, sadly U isn’t necessarily Hermitian so we can’t measure it directly.

Phase Estimation - The Assumptions

Phase estimation starts by taking three inputs.

Firstly, it takes in a unitary operator U and an eigenvector of U whose eigenvalue we’re going to estimate.

The third thing it needs is a \(CU^n\) gate that is a a gate that does

\[CU^n \ket{j} \ket{s} = \ket{j}U^j\ket{s}\]

e.g. it runs U j times for an input j and doesn’t change j. This can be done by process called modular exponentiation. We will discuss this in a future post but for now we’ll just assume we can do this.

Step 1 - Setup

The first step is to setup the quantum state. We’re going to start with n qubits all set to 0 and then our eigenvector u. This meas we have the state


Step 2 - Create a superpostion

Next, we’re going to create a superposition of the first n qubits. We’ll do this by applying the Hadamard gate to each of them.

So we get

\[H^{\otimes n}\ket{0} \ket{u} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{j=0}^{2^n -1} \ket{j}\ket{u}\]

Step 3 - Apply the controlled U gates

We now have a bunch of states which look like


where j is some integer

We want to apply U j times to each of them.

Thankfully, we can just use our


gate. So we get

\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{i=0}^{2^n -1} CU^n \ket{j}\ket{u}\] \[=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{i=0}^{2^n -1} \ket{j} U^j\ket{u}\]

Now since u is an eigenstate of U we get

\[=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{i=0}^{2^n -1} \ket{j} (e^{2\pi i \phi_s})^j\ket{u}\] \[=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{i=0}^{2^n -1} \ket{j} e^{2\pi i \phi_s j}\ket{u}\]

Step 4 - Inverse Fourier Transform

Now we’re going to apply something called the Inverse Quantumm Fourier Transform (shorted to the inverse QFT). This is a super important part of quantum computing so we’re going to give it its own post. So for now all we need to know if that it takes

\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{i=0}^{2^n -1} \ket{j} e^{2\pi i \phi_s j}\ket{u}\]

And sends it to


Where \(\tilde{\phi_s}\) is an n bit estimate for \(\phi_s\)

Step 5 - Measure

After the inverse QFT we’re left with the state


So we just measure the first n qubits to get


which is our estimation for \(\phi_s\)

Why is it an estimate?

So how is our estimate


different to


Well \(\phi_s\) can be any number, but we are only using n bits to represent it. This means that unless we’re lucky and it fits in exactly n bits then our estimate will be slightly different to phi. You see this all the time in classical computers where some decimal numbers can’t be nicely represented in a certain number of bits so the computer makes an approximation.


So in summary we start with


We then create a superposition to get

\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{j=0}^{2^n -1} \ket{j}\ket{u}\]

We then apply the controlled U gate to get

\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2^n}}\sum_{i=0}^{2^n -1} \ket{j} e^{2\pi i \phi_s j}\ket{u}\]

Next, we apply the inverse QFT to get


which we can measure to get our estimate for \(\phi_s\)
