Charles Thomas

Aspiring Physicist. Studying a Maths and Philosophy degree at Durham and trying to fix payroll at Onfolk. Previously building a better bank at Monzo.

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15 July 2024

Basic Quantum Computing - Shor's Algorithm - Order Finding Using Phase Estimation

by Charles Thomas

In this series of posts, we’re exploring a famous algorithm called Shor’s Algorithm. In this post, we’re going to look at how we do order finding on a quantum computer using something called phase estimation.

Order Finding: A reminder

Let’s start with a reminder of what the problem of order finding is. Given a two numbers x and N what is the smallest integer \(r > 1\) so that

\[x^r \mod N = 1\]

This smallest r is called the order and we want to find it.

What is phase estimation?

To do order finding we’ll make use of another quantum algorithm: phase estimation. Phase estimation allows us to take a unitary operator U and an eigenvector of it:


and to estimate the eigenvalues.

This means given

\[U \ket{u_s} = e^{2\pi i \phi_s}\ket{u_s}\]

we can can work out \(\phi_s\)

(Note that the eigenvectors of unitary operators are always of unit modulus hence we can write it in the above form)

But how does this help us do order finding?

Using Phase Estimation to do order finding

To see how it helps, let’s fix x and N and we want to find r (the order).

Now if we have a unitary operator \(U\) such that

\[U\ket{y} = \ket{(xy) \mod N}\]

Then this has eigenstates given by

\[\ket{u_s} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{r}}\sum_{k=0}^{r-1}exp(\frac{-2\pi i sk}{r})\ket{x^k \mod N}\]

with eigenvalue

\[exp(\frac{2\pi i s}{r})\]

where \(0 \leq s < r - 1\)

This is because

\[U\ket{u_s} = exp(\frac{2\pi i s}{r})\ket{u_s}\]

So we if we can apply phase estimation we can estimate \(s/r\) we’ll denote our estimation as \(\tilde{s/r}\)

Then from our approximation for \(s/r\) we can work out r using the classical continued fractions algorithm (which we’ll explain in a future post)

Making Eigenstates

In order to use phase estimation we need to be able to make our eigenstate


but do this we need to r which exactly the thing we want to

find. So what are we to do?

We’ll we can be sneaky and notice that

\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{r}}\sum_{s=0}^{r-1} \ket{u_s} = \ket{1}\]

So as long as we prepare the state \(\ket{1}\) which we can do easily then we can act on that. This will calculate a superposition of the estimates for all s so we can measure the state and we will get an estimate for \(s/r\) for some s. We just won’t know which one. This is fine as the continued fractions algorithm doesn’t require us to know s.


So putting this all together we start with the state


We can rewrite this as

\[\ket{0}\frac{1}{\sqrt{r}}\sum_{s=0}^{r-1} \ket{u_s} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{r}}\sum_{s=0}^{r-1} \ket{0}\ket{u_s}\]

We can apply phase estimation to get

\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{r}}\sum_{s=0}^{r-1} \ket{\tilde{s/r}} \ket{u_s}\]

We do a measurement so we get


for some unknown s

We can then apply the continued fractions algorithm to work out r
