Charles Thomas

Aspiring Physicist. Studying a Maths and Philosophy degree at Durham and trying to fix payroll at Onfolk. Previously building a better bank at Monzo.

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29 June 2024

Basic Quantum Computing - Shor's Algorithm - Using Order Finding

by Charles Thomas

In this series of posts, we’re exploring a famous algorithm called Shor’s Algorithm. In this post, we will split it unto two parts: a quantum part and a classical part and then we will explain the classical part

Order Finding

Shor’s algorithm can be split into two parts.

The first part is the part you need a quantum computer for: order finding.

Order finding deals with the following problem:

Given a two numbers x and N what is the smallest integer \(r > 1\) such that \(x^r \mod N = 1\). This smallest r is called the order.

For now we’ll assume we have the algorithm to do this and we’ll show how we can use this to factor a number.

Factoring with Order Finding

So let’s start with number we want to factor, call it N. We can use order finding to create an algorithm to find a factor, f, of it. (Remember a factor that divides another e.g. 3 is a factor of 6)

We can then divide N by this factor to get N/f and f

If N/f or f is not prime we repeat this process on them until we get all the prime factors.

So how do we find this factor f?

Step 1

Well if N is even we know a prime factor is 2, so we’re done.

Step 2

Next we check if we can write N as

\(N = a^b\) for \(a, b > 0 \in \mathbb{Z}\)

If we can then a is a factor and we can return it.

We can do this efficiently with a classical algorithm (Check out this link for the details)

Step 3

Now we randomly pick a number y between 1 and N - 1

We compute the \(gcd(y, N)\) (which we can do quickly thanks to Euclid’s algorithm which we’ll talk about in another post)

If \(gcd(y, N) > 1\) then y is a factor of N so we can return y

Step 4

Otherwise if \(gcd(y, N) = 1\) then y and N are co prime (there is no prime number that divides both of them)

So we consider the function \(f(r) = y^r \mod N\)

We then apply order finding to find the smallest r, such that

\[y^r \mod N = 1\]

which is the same as

\[y^r - 1 \mod N = 0\]

If r is odd, then we go back to step 3 and use a different y

If r is even, then we can factorise to get

\[(y^{r/2} - 1)(y^{r/2} + 1) \mod N = 0\]

This tells us that there is some integer k such that

\[(y^{r/2} - 1)(y^{r/2} + 1) = kN\]

Step 5

Now we check that \(y^{r/2} - 1\) and \(y^{r/2} + 1\) are not multiples of N.

We do this by computing

\(gcd(y^{r/2} - 1, N)\) and \(gcd(y^{r/2} + 1, N)\).

If either of these are equal to N then at least one of them is a multiple of N so we try again with a different y.

If they’re both not equal to N then at least one of them must share a factor with N. So at least one of

\(gcd(y^{r/2} - 1, N)\), \(gcd(y^{r/2} + 1, N)\)

is a factor of N.

So we can then repeat this on N/f and f until we get all the factors of N.

Computing GCDs

You’ll have noticed that for this to work we need to be able to compute the GCD of two numbers quickly. Thankfully, we can do that with a process called the Euclidean algorithm which we will explore in the next post.

Worked Example

Let’s try to factor 210

The First Factor

We first check if it is even (this is step 1). 210 is even so we get 2 is a factor and we’re left with 105

The Second Factor

Now, we try to factor 105

105 is odd (step 1) and it can’t be written as \(a^b\) (step 2)

So we pick a number randomly between 1 and 104 (step 3)

Let’s pick 57

Now we compute gcd(57, 105) = 3

This tells us 3 is a factor

The Third Factor

We know that 105/3 = 35 so we now need to factor 35

35 is odd (step 1) and can’t be written as \(a^b\) (step 2)

Now we apply step 3 and we pick a random number between 1 and 34

So let’s pick 6

We compute gcd(6, 35) = 1

So we have to go to step 4

So we are considering \(f(r) = 6^r \mod 35\)

And we apply order finding to get

\[r = 2\]

2 is even so we can write

\[(6 + 1)(6 - 1) = 7*5 = k * 35\]

So now we compute

\[gcd(7, 35) = 7\] \[gcd(5, 35) = 5\]

Neither of these are equal to N we get the remaining factors of N as 7 and 5

The End Result

So in total we get \(210 = 2 * 3 * 7 * 5\)
