Charles Thomas

Aspiring Physicist. Studying a Maths and Philosophy degree at Durham and trying to fix payroll at Onfolk. Previously building a better bank at Monzo.

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8 April 2020

Reviewing The Theoretical Minimum - An Update on Teaching Myself A Physics Degree

by Charles Thomas

A while ago I posted about my idea to try and teach myself a Physics degree. Since then, although progress has been slow, progress has been made.

I have completed the Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity & Classical Field Theory courses from Leonard Susskind’s The Theoretical Minimum and I am now deep into MIT’s OCW Linear Algebra Course (I decided to do this because I realised that I have the textbook and would actually like to finish the course); as well as working my way through University Physics and Mathematical Methods For Physics And Engineering.

Now, that I’ve made some progress I wanted to do a quick review of the Theoretical Minimum courses.


They’re really fast-paced but informative courses that cover a lot of content which plenty of maths. They’re great if you already know some maths and physics and you want a survey of some of deeper topics. However, I would not recommend them as someone’s first exposure to physics.

The pros

The cons
